These fellows are self described "ghost-hunters" who have been arrested for trespassing after they entered the boarded up LeBeau Plantation in Louisiana. The seven have also been brought up on charges of illicit use after smoking marijuana on this historic property. This illegal substance along with their consumption of alcohol probably contributed to the decision that led to the next charge of arson. According to most news articles, the so called leader of this unit became so frustrated by the lack of paranormal activity that he began stacking wood in order to burn the place down. He was then able to convince his cohorts to help him. The fire was set. The plantation home was left a smoldering pile of ash. Only the four chimneys that still stand give evidence that this was once the site of an enormous residence.
This is a historic home which was once part of the largest plantation south of New Orleans. It was built in the 1850's. It's enormous history does not end after the plantation closed up shop as it was also used as a hotel and illegal casino.