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Monday, April 2, 2012

Electronic Voice Phenomenon

As you can see by this Thomas Edison quote, the theory of instruments capable of recording the dead has been around since the 1920's. I've read any number of articles on this phenomenon and the theories behind them. I've read articles from sound engineers that state that due to the lower standard of our equipment that we are hearing a great deal of white noise that our minds when heard and interpreted can cause us to believe we've heard something that is misconstrued as ghosts or spirits. One Sound Engineer named David Federlein put it this way, "When you factor in other aspects of physics, such as cross modulation of radio stations or faulty ground loops in equipment, you have a lot of people thinking they are listening to ghosts when in fact it is nothing more than a controlled misuse of electronics." He went as far to basically insult some investigators by saying, "It is safe to say that unless the EVP believer is highly bankrolled, I use much higher standard recording equipment, built to much higher tolerances. That being said, I've never heard from the dead, and I have been listening to tape and hard disk recordings for years. It may be the low quality of their equipment that is cause for mistaken ghosts, but it sure isn't lack of willed ignorance!" Found Mr.Federlein's view on EVP's at

I have to say, I respect Mr. Federlein's expertise on recordings and audio, but I have experienced these voices for myself and if not for direct responses that go well beyond ironic, I may fall in line with his thinking. My first paranormal experience was an EVP from an investigation that I was a part of in 2011. Here I am in a stairwell with three other members, when Amanda, one of the investigators says, "I'm feeling very cold." I felt no change at the time. She continued to ask a spirit by name if "she" was the one making it cold. Hours later when I'm reviewing this recorder, I hear an EVP that speaks over the end of her sentence that plainly as one can imagine says, "I make it cold." The word cold stretched out for a brief second, but you could clearly hear the "d" sound at the end. It was the most eerie thing I had ever heard, and I could not explain it. I never heard anything remotely close to that phrase while we were doing our session. This fascinated me because I had others listen and each heard the exact same phrase. Paranormal means "not" normal. This fit the description for me and fueled me to want to hear more and go places to confirm that this was no hoax or mistake. So while I admire those who believe they have witnessed apparitions and I await that chance, I'm glad communication was my first experience, because it's what interests me the most about this field. Is it possible that our being and personality lives on after death? If that were a proven fact, how would that change a person's living existence? Are these voices human at all? It's mind blowing for me to imagine, seeing as how there is no real science behind any of it.

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