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Sunday, March 18, 2012

2010 The Haunted Investigation of Baldwin Plantation

The first investigation for me was at a fundraiser held at Baldwin Plantation in Rockingham, NC and the first adjective I would use to describe this event was COLD. My girlfriend, my son, my daughter and I stood in line shivering behind a crowd of other teeth chattering folks waiting for the opportunity to walk in. The only light while standing there, came from a television sitting on a table under a tent near the front of the line. A young lady sat staring at a number of images on the screen. All these images were being fed from different cameras placed inside the plantation home. I watched as the group prior to ours wandered the rooms.

It was on this night, I met several people who I would soon call my friends. Brian Horton was about to lead my group around the plantation house. "Ya'll can call me Big Daddy", he told our group as we headed towards the old slave shack near the plantation home. This cat was a cut-up and I liked him from the go. He eventually led us up to the Baldwin house. Brian explained what had been caught during their original investigation and explained some of the equipment. The home was amazing and felt like taking a trip back in time. Although I didn't experience much while in the plantation home, the forest behind the house did not disappoint. The picture above has Tonya and I on the left, out around the woods edge and also shows "Big Daddy" keeping a watchful eye on the right. Brian explained that the land has once been occupied by Native Americans and several arrow heads had been found here. Having not experienced much during the night, I decided to deliver a loud chant to any of these first Americans to see if I could get a reaction. Well, someone or something chanted back and it got our attention. We all looked for a source and never found one. Who knows what it was or if it was paranormal but, it was interesting none the less. My loud yell also got the attention of another member of the team, Scott Sessoms, the founder. He had heard me from the plantation house and radioed to Brian to tell me to keep it down. The plantation home did have neighbors with families who were probably trying to sleep and I was more than likely being picked up on the recorders in the baldwin home too. What can I say? I was green. I would soon learn a lot from both my Baldwin tour guide and the voice that came from that walkie-talkie.
So after this fundraiser, I had gotten a taste of what a paranormal investigator does, but that wasn't enough. I had to learn more.

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